Thank you in advance for your interest in giving the gifts of History and Education to students and locals attending The Heritage Society’s programs and events.

Please complete the form, and we will get back to you right away! You may also email

Preserve History and Culture Your program sponsorship helps preserve the rich history and culture of Houston through education. We offer the following programs and events and need underwriters to offset the costs:

  1. Lunch & Learns,

  2. Speaker Events,

  3. Scouting Badge Workshops,

  4. Community Outreach,

  5. Booth Activities at Sam Houston Park Events,

  6. Internships,

  7. Juneteenth Programs,

  8. Free Museum Gallery Days,

  9. Teachers Summer History Workshop, and

  10. Annual Candlelight Tours.

Tax Benefits Your sponsorship may be tax-deductible, providing you with financial benefits while supporting a worthy cause. Consult with a tax professional to understand the specific benefits for your donation.

Community Engagement Your name or company’s name as a sponsor fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility for preserving our heritage. It allows you to contribute to a collective effort to maintain and celebrate our local history.